Friday, 30 April 2010
Friday 30th April
So today was a mixture bordom of college I actually hate print with a new kind of hatred. But oh the worst is yet to come so my uncle picked me up today and we needed to go to tescos to get some hot chickens as we were all eating as a family so yeah women says 20 minutes fair enough my uncle says he will go chippy whilst I wait to make sure we got a chicken, 20 mins later oh it will be another 15 ok so by now im walking around tescos on my laz looking like a prick 15 mins later oh it will be another 10, 10 mins later oh another 10 i think After an hour of waiting we finally got so fucking chickens I mean come on an hour ahh effort!!
Thursday 29th April
Today I was just chilled didn't do sod all, dad came home so alls good but yeah fucking knackered from last night.
Wednesday 28th april
Oh my god tonight night (Y) Asking Alexandria were fucking amazingly indescribable met Danny ( the lead singer/screamer) ahh In fear and faith were good as well but Dance Gavin Dance were meh not my thing. Was such a good night with the crew so happy :D
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
Tuesday 27th april
Monday, 26 April 2010
Monday 26th April 2010
Ahh Blogger wont let me upload like any photos its so god damn annoying. Today was so long man went so fucking slow it was silly. The bus is so boring I wanted to commit suicide. I hope I sleep well tonight so tired played some Cod and was tearing it up.
Susday 25th April 2010
Today was all right so tired so did sod all. Played some Cod then the sun came out so though it would be good for a quick skate. I thought I would try and work on ollies again and I got them down really quickly so happy I mean there not the highest thing ever but I’ve got the technique down so alls good.
Saturday 24th April 2010
Ok so blogger does not like me today it says that all my photos are failing to upload so will try again tonight.
Today was well cool went to Bishops Stortford spent like half an hour trying to find Karis' work and failed massively. Then headed down ramps when luckily Edd was on his way and Jimmy was already there. Next to come down was Andy so the whole crew was out really. Then Karis come down for lunch had a little catch up then went to waitrose headed back to the ramps and saw Kailey which was nice actually haven't seen her in ages so that was lovely. Then a bit later on more people came down and I saw Saz which was also cool hadn't seen her in ages either. All in all a really good day :D x
Friday, 23 April 2010
Monsters. n.o. 1
College was ok actually college didn't really bother me which is weird. Played some Call Of Duty, just came online to add this photo. Tomorrow should be cool Will wants to skate Walden then go back to Stortford see who's around do some more skating.
Day one of my monster special more to come.
Day one of my monster special more to come.
Thursday, 22 April 2010
Thursday 22nd 2010
Today has been really good I must say,
Lovely weather
Nice Skating
Xbox has returned with 1 month free xbox live :D
And got an email from The Casino Brawl saying I can do a phone interview with them SCORE.
Lovely weather
Nice Skating
Xbox has returned with 1 month free xbox live :D
And got an email from The Casino Brawl saying I can do a phone interview with them SCORE.
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
Wednesday 21st 2010
Boredom. Ok yes I wore trackies it was a lazy day. Mum being a douche. College was alright I suppose. Emailed loads of bands to see if I can interview them for audio things crossed I get someone. Lovely day did some more skating stacked it hard and cut my elbow where the path gets me wheel bit ( see arrow) :/ that's it really.
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
Tuesday 20th April 2010
Today was cool had a nice lie in and got up round midday. Had no work at all to do so was a nice quite day. Csi tonight then college tomorrow the joy. I had more photos but Blogger is being really weird lately and not liking most the photos I try to upload really gay :/
Monday, 19 April 2010
First day back.
My photo of the day won't upload so I have to use this one ahh I love Hayley Williams and I am really loving Paramore atm.
Lyrics which I am loving right now and relate to me a lot right now.Can we pretend that airplanes
In the night sky
Are like shooting stars
I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)
Today was cool not to bad did six hours and literally didn't learn anything.
Sunday College tomorrow
I love this song because every time I hear it I think of her and the concert <3
I'm going away for a while
But I'll be back, don't try to follow me
'Cause I'll return as soon as possible
See I'm trying to find my place
But it might not be here that I feel safe
We all learn to make mistake
And run
From them
With no direction
Run from them, from them
With no direction
I'm just one of those ghosts
Travelling endlessly
Don't need no road
In fact they follow you
And we just go in circles
Now I'm told that this life
And pain is just a simple comprimise
Ao we can get what we want out of it
Aomeone try to classify,
A broken heart and twisted minds
So I can find someone to rely on
So run
To them, to them
Full speed ahead
Oh you are not
We are just
Misguided ghosts
Travelling endlessly
The ones we trusted the most
Pushed us far away
And there's no one role
We should not be the same
But I'm just a ghost
And still they echo me
They echo me in circles
'Cause I'll return as soon as possible
See I'm trying to find my place
But it might not be here that I feel safe
We all learn to make mistake
And run
From them
With no direction
Run from them, from them
With no direction
I'm just one of those ghosts
Travelling endlessly
Don't need no road
In fact they follow you
And we just go in circles
Now I'm told that this life
And pain is just a simple comprimise
Ao we can get what we want out of it
Aomeone try to classify,
A broken heart and twisted minds
So I can find someone to rely on
So run
To them, to them
Full speed ahead
Oh you are not
We are just
Misguided ghosts
Travelling endlessly
The ones we trusted the most
Pushed us far away
And there's no one role
We should not be the same
But I'm just a ghost
And still they echo me
They echo me in circles
Saturday, 17 April 2010
last Saturday of the holidays
Well today was another lazy day just played pokemon all day god I'm sad. Got some shit news today tbh I opened my mouth again and what I said came out wrong and shit happened, I feel shit about it I swear I should just have my mouth sown up and I would be fine :(
Friday, 16 April 2010
Friday 16th april
This photo was from Paramore ahh what a Night was so so good a night I will always remember. x
Today was lovely went and saw Emma in hospital was so nice I have missed her so much. I would sit there and hold her hand all day everyday if I could. She is such a fighter she is getting strong and strong by the day, she will get through this I know she will.
Thursday, 15 April 2010
Thursday 15th April
Another awesome gig coming up in the next like week :D x
Washed my aunts car today got paid as well so that was coool. Another lazy day doing fuck all, going to see Emma in hospital tomorrow im so fucking scared its un real. :S hope it all goes ok .
Got my ticket for this as well more gigs loving it! x
Today was pretty cool, went to Newport for another bbq with the guys was nice and chilled. New recipe chocolate bacon sounds horrible but oh my god it was the tastiest thing i have ever eaten.
I know its not a poster but OMG this is going to be soooooooo gooood :D
Still no SD card this is stupid now but gotta wait for my film to come through, Well today dad got me to wash the car and thats about all I did such a lazy day was quite good actually.
Still no SD card this is stupid now but gotta wait for my film to come through, Well today dad got me to wash the car and thats about all I did such a lazy day was quite good actually.
Monday, 12 April 2010
Monday second week of half term.
Well Mum went out today to go shopping and didn't come back with an SD card for me so again another day without a Photo and I got a phone call from Boots who said because my film was Black and White it will take longer so that wont be done for another two weeks : / So tomorrow the dude is meant to come get my xbox for delivery to get it repaired. Then Wednesday I'm gonna go to tesco and get a SD card finally then of to Newport to have a BBQ with guys so S'all good. Today was boring no one came to walden in the end which sucked massively.
Sunday, 11 April 2010
Sunday Day Out.
Okay so im resorting to using any old photo as I can't just leave this blank can I so yeah here is a old Ball photo.
Saturday, 10 April 2010
So Stefan has gone home now and pokemon just isn't fun without him :( so bored already and its only been an hour. Nothing to do in this house anyway tomorrow should be good. :D
Friday, 9 April 2010
stefans last day :'(
Really am going old school with these photos now.
today was Peng well due to my incident with my sd card i took my film camera out today for the bbq with the guys was so so nice today good weather good company perfect! I will get those photos developed on sunday and scan then asap so that i can put them up on here. Sunday will be good I miss that girl :D xx
Thursday, 8 April 2010
I fail.
No photo for today I'm still waiting on brett for photos of chris' and also I ate my SD card thinking it was a chocolate didnt realise till i bit down on it now it wont work FML big time. Sunday :D
Wednesday, 7 April 2010
Tuesday. Afi tonight :D
AFI were amazing well good day as well!!!! Cinema tomorrow hopefully with the guys, it was a late night and such a good nights sleep!
Monday, 5 April 2010
Last Night
Last night was so so so good round hardings played some beer pong got so wasted with the best friends anyone could ask for :D. Laura Brett made my night with like 3 quotes. " oh oh theres a nipple" Wow shes got a landing strip" " shut up i know a lot about waxing ok yes i've had a playboy" hahaha Brett :D. Della was pretty wasted by the end of it stumbling everywhere ahah. And Jimmy did his heart to heart with me again happens everytime. Really good night massive love for chris :D. I shall upload a photo when brett gives them to me, so be patient.
Sunday, 4 April 2010
God its actually sunday and i have been really bad completely forgot to do this my bad, well nothing happened thursday didnt go to youth club so yeah not a lot happened.
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